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Showing posts from 2016

SRB2 ArchPack - Mill Citadel Zone's Secret Control Room

It seems some people never found this control room hidden in SRB2 ArchPack's Mill Citadel Zone . Here it is, for those who's never seen it.

Aeon Extension Patch v11.2 is out

Aeon Extension Patch v11.2, quasi-major update: Adds new stained glass pane textures and sound effects for witches and villagers. Also, Mars and Venus addon Patches got an update and MC1.8 update patch is out. (Updated 2016-12-27) Version 11.2 is out.

Aeon Extension Patch v11.1 is out

Aeon Extension Patch v11.1, minor update: Adds new sound effects, Steve skin as test dummy, and fixes lots of lang files. Version 11.1 is out

Minecraft Techmods - Let's fly! Take 2 (MPS + Smart Moving)

Just another demo of Smart Moving with Modular PowerSuits. I figured out how to sort of force the flying animation in Survival.

MCHeli content pack in the making

I've been working on some vehicles for MCHeli mod , namely a Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU, or NASA jetpack) and a motorcycle. Alpha releases soon . It's out! A motorcycle and a MMU jetpack. Work in progress.

Aeon Extension Patch v11 is out

Aeon Extension Patch v11.0 is out. Huge update. More than 100 files changed/fixed/added. Adds whole new glass block set and Et Futurum mod support. Lots of fixes and new content. Continue reading for details about this and other content. Version 11.0 is out. Finally!

Minecraft Techmods - Building a Launcher Platform (Twitch - 3/3)

Part 3, final. Livestream of a launcher platform construction and showing off my test world. From my Twitch channel .

Minecraft Techmods - Building a Launcher Platform (Twitch - 2/3)

Part 2. Livestream of a launcher platform construction and showing off my test world. From my Twitch channel .

Minecraft Techmods - Building a Launcher Platform (Twitch - 1/3)

Livestream of a launcher platform construction and showing off my test world. From my Twitch channel .

Galacticraft Bug - Ghost Rockets and Glitched Land Pads (fixed)

Bugs fixed : The game was spawning ghost rockets which fell from the sky and slammed itself onto the ground destroying my buildings.

Minecraft Techmods - A Well-known Flying Object on Mars (MCHeli)

Featuring MCHeli mod with a radio-controlled helicopter on Galacticraft Mars. Just messing around.

Late New Year update and future plans

Since this is my 1st post of the year: Late Happy New Year! ( Update 2016-July-03: micdoodle8's forum post ) Being busy with lots of things, including Galacticraft bugreporting , trying new mods and working on new stuff for Aeon Extension Patch and armor skins for Armourer's Workshop. Textures for Et Futurum mod and 1.9 blocks, and a ton of work done.