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Aeon Extension Patch v12 is out

Aeon Extension Patch v12, double huge update: 1.12.2 Port of Aeon Extension Patch and Aeon main pack. Lots of new stuff, clean-up, and connecting texture rewrite. (Update: v12.1 is out)

Version 12.0 is out and ported

Update: the version 12.1 with small fixes is out.

This is a huge update. 2 Ports and a ton of new additions. (Porting progress registered here)

Let's go to the most noticeable stuff:

I've ported both packs, Aeon Extension Patch and Aeon main pack. Without Aeon main ported, Aeon Extension Patch will not work.

Glass block and stained glass set enhanced.

Stained glass pane set with door and windows of other mods (details)

Added zombie villager set.

New iron bars.

Galacticraft paintings for Bibliocraft are here and kicking a##!

New Enchanting table window.

Swapped dry and hydrated farmland block texture. Now, green = hydrated; red = dry.

Added lots of themed splash texts:

More screenshots here and below:

Download: Resource Packs

- Port Aeon Extension Patch to Minecraft 1.12.2 with lots of changes, clean-up and fixes.
- Port Aeon main pack to Minecraft 1.12.2, idem. Without this, Aeon Extension Patch will not work.
- Aeon main pack: reorganize directories and rename files, clean-up and fixes, full CTM rewrite.
- Aeon main pack: full CTM rewrite with fixing several tiles, clean-up, removal of unused files.
- Aeon main pack: add about.txt with credits.
- Aeon main pack: update and change format in pack.mcmeta.
- Aeon Extension Patch: reorganize directories and rename files, clean-up and fixes, full CTM rewrite.
- Aeon Extension Patch: full CTM rewrite with fixing several tiles, clean-up, removal of unused files.
- Aeon Extension Patch: new pack logo (test dummy).
- Aeon Extension Patch: update about.txt.
- Aeon Extension Patch: update and change format in pack.mcmeta.
- Dynamic Surroundings: update/merge DS patch for Galacticraft 4 MC 1.9-1.12.
- Bibliocraft: partial update/fix.
- Bibliocraft: recovered Galacticraft-themed paintings. Had to rename the files to lowercase.
- EtFuturum: removed. Useful parts moved to vanilla Minecraft.
- Galacticraft: reorganize directories and rename files for GC4, partial.
- Just a Few Fish: partial lang update/fix. Remove en_US.lang.
- Mekanism: reorganize directories and rename files for Mek9, partial.
- Vanilla: update/merge DS patch for Galacticraft 4 MC 1.9-1.12.
- Vanilla: update/merge Minecraft 1.8 and 1.9 patches into the main patch.
- Vanilla: fixed spruce leaf colormap for Overworld (even even a bit more).
- Vanilla: new Enchanting Table window.
- Vanilla: new Player Inventory window.
- Vanilla: swapped dry and hydrated farmland block texture. Now green = hydrated, red = dry.
- Vanilla: move pngs from normal terracotta to glazed terracotta and partial CTM fix (subject to change/fix).
- Vanilla: edit normal terracotta CTMs (subject to change/fix).
- Vanilla: add new en_US prompt texts and rename Villager and Witch to bots.
- Vanilla: improved glass block and glass pane CTM.
- Vanilla: new iron bars.
- Vanilla: quartz set CTM tweaked.
- Vanilla: add themed splash texts.
- Vanilla: improved dropper, front face cleaner.
- Vanilla: fixed redstone wiring with new graphics.
- Vanilla: steve.png (test dummy) 64px.
- Vanilla: new zombie villager set.
- Vanilla: crosshair smaller and less obstructive.
- Vanilla: add beetroot soup item.
- Vanilla: convert clock to the new schema (64 png files).
- Vanilla: add boat item (from LEDCraft), not implemented to the new schema.
- Vanilla: add brick, carrot on a stick, cooked chicken, raw chicken, clay ball items (from LEDCraft).
- Vanilla: add coal, diamond, emerald, feather, fireball, fireworks, fireworks charge, fishing rod, flint, ghast tear items (from LEDCraft).
- Vanilla: add gold ingot, gold nugget, hopper, iron ingot, leather, melon, glistering melon items (from LEDCraft).
- Vanilla: add minecart with chest, furnace, hopper, TNT and normal items (from LEDCraft).
- Vanilla: add nether brick and nether wart items (from LEDCraft).
- Vanilla: add paper, cooked and raw porkchop, quartz, quiver, rotten flesh, ruby, melon and pumpkin seeds items (from LEDCraft).
- Vanilla: add icons for armor slots (from LEDCraft).
- Vanilla: add icons for armor slots (from LEDCraft).
- Vanilla: add spawn eggs (from LEDCraft).
- Vanilla: add normal and fermented spider eye items (from LEDCraft).
- Vanilla: add string, sugar and wheat items (from LEDCraft).
- Vanilla: and lots of minor things I can't remember.

Changes (v12.1):
- Bibliocraft: clipboard is now opaque.
- Exotic Birds: remove en_US lang file.
- Modular Power Suits/Armor: fix in-place crafting table icon and delete unused/ALT icon.
- Modular Power Suits/Armor: fix liquid nitrogen icon and path.
- Vanilla: edit splash texts.

Major known issues:
- Creative inventory window to be done.
- Galacticraft inventory window to be fixed.
- Normal e glazed terracotta is not fully implemented, so it's subject to change/fix.
- Some resources of Mekanism aren't fully checked/implemented.
- Traincraft hasn't been ported yet.
- Bed needs new image set.

Addon patches

No update. I plan to make a port to MC 1.12 or 1.13, and drop support for MC1.8-1.11.

Download in the same page: Resource pack

Other downloadable content

Armourer's Workshop skins

Currently available:
  • Astronaut suit
  • Diving gear
  • Hard shell helmet (new)
  • Mining helmet (new)
  • Slime guy (new)
To get them, install the mod Armourer's Workshop, place a Global Library block, right-click it and access my and everyone's skin!

Dynamic Surroundings config files

It's now included in the Aeon Extension Patch.

MCHeli Vehicle Content Pack Addons

No update. It's still Minecraft 1.7.10.



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