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Armourer's Workshop

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Here you can find all content for Armourer's Workshop available for download.

Latest update: Work pack - added Biker Backpack.

Armourer's Workshop skins

These are the Armourer's Workshop parts I've been working on. Try also: Resource Packs and other Content packs.

⚠️ These skin packs require Armourer's Workshop mod ⚠️

Mannequins with astronaut suit

Astronaut pack

Author: Ezer'Arch

It's a pack with a full body white space suit and accessories that can be used with a working space suit from a mod (suc Galacticraft, as it's visually compatible with its Breathing Equipement).

The pack includes a placeable decorative helmet.

Note: Only the headlights and the backpack accessories are meant to be used in conjunction with Aeon Extension Patch's chain armor (the 3rd pic below). The full suit doesn't require the resource pack.

➜ Download: v.3.1.1 - for Armourer's Workshop MC 1.7.10 (fix)

Latest update (2017-06-25): fixed Astronaut Backpack and Astronaut Helmet (block). Picture.

Mannequins with diving gears and life vest

Diving pack

Author: Ezer'Arch

A pack containing a diving suit and equipments that can be used with or without a resource pack, and with a working diving gears from a mod (I recommend Mekanism). 

Contains several types of masks, diving fins, tanks and life jacket. The full set is dyeable.

News: The green-blue neoprene suit will be also released as alternative texture for leather armor (progress!) and Galacticraft thermal padding in Resource Packs any day.

➜ Download: v.3.0 - for Armourer's Workshop MC 1.7.10 (new items)

Latest update (2017-02-19): the set is now fully dyeable; added Diving Snorkel and Diving Suit Hood (ninja style). Picture.

Mannequins with bike and gas masks

Work pack (Bike&HazMat)

Author: Ezer'Arch

Sort of misc pack with motorcycle helmet and boots, 3 types of gas masks, safety glasses, and a jet pilot mask. All dyeable.

Can be used with the diving suit (above) for a full body suit, and other mods such as Mekanism and IndustrialCraft2.

The pack includes a placeable decorative helmet to place it on a wall or a trophy shelf.

➜ Download: v.3.1 - for Armourer's Workshop MC 1.7.10

Latest update (2017-09-03): added Biker Backpack. Picture.

Mannequins with Mekanism replacement parts

Mekanism pack

Author: Ezer'Arch

This pack was recreated for Mekanism players with incompatibilities with Smart Moving.

This pack mimics some of Mekanism hi-poly armors so you can apply them skins of this pack and fix the bug. Currently: gas mask, free runners and glowstone armor set.

The pack also includes a placeable decorative gas mask.

➜ Download: v.1.0 - for Armourer's Workshop MC 1.7.10

Installation instructions

  1. Run Minecraft with Armourer's Workshop mod once and close it;
  2. Move the *.armour files to .minecraft\armourersWorkshop;
  3. Run Minecraft with Armourer's Workshop mod again;
  4. While in game, place an Equipement Library, the new parts are there to be used;
  5. Use the Equipment Wardrobe (key P) or Skinning Table to use the parts.

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