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Dynamic Surroundings

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Dynamic Surroundings Configuration Files

Dynamic Surroundings, since v., supports Galacticraft dimensions (edit: tempfix resource pack available below). For Galacticraft 1.7.10 and 1.8.9, use the CFG files below.

Try also: Resource Packs and Content packs.

⚠️ These configuration files require Dynamic Surroundings ⚠️

Here a creeper enjoying the sound of martian wind.

Galacticraft pack

Author: Ezer'Arch

This pack is for Galacticraft players who use Dynamic Surroundings mod and don't want to hear winds, rocks crumbling and other out-of-place sound effects in space anymore.

  • In Space Station, Moon and Asteroids dimensions: no sound.
  • On Mars: constant wind on surface. Underground, no sound.
  • On Venus (1.8.9 only or addons): constant wind on surface. Underground, no sound

  1. Released only for Dynamic Surroundings and Galacticraft for Minecraft 1.7.10 and 1.8.9.
  2. The config files use the following dimension IDs to work: Space station: 2; Moon: -28; Mars: -29; Asteroids: -30; Venus: -31. If your world save uses different dim IDs, edit galacticraft_dims.json accordingly.
  3. The "Quickfix resource pack" is a patch that fixes various issues with Galacticraft 4 (e.g. green sky on Mars).

Follow the installation instructions below.

➜ Download: v.2.0 - for Dynamic Surroundings MC 1.7.10 and 1.8.9
Tempfix resource pack: MC 1.9-1.10 | MC 1.11-1.12

Latest update (2017-03-25 ~ Venus conjunction day): added Venus. Works in Galacticraft 1.7.10 and 1.8.9 beta.
Latest update 2 (2017-09-03): released tempfix resource packs for DS 1.9-1.12. It's going to be removed when DS is released with the bugfix.

(No screenshot available because I haven't managed to take screenshot of sounds yet. :3)

Installation instructions

(Note: The "tempfix resource packs" are resource packs that fix issues with Galacticraft 4 and DS. Just used them as resource pack.)

  1. Run Minecraft with Dynamic Surroundings and Galacticraft mod once and close it;
  2. Move the *.json files to .minecraft\config\dsurround;
  3. Run Minecraft with the mods again;
  4. While in the main menu, click on "Mods";
  5. On Mod List, select Dynamic Surroundings and click on "Config";
  6. On Dynamic Surroundings, scroll down, click on "Biome Behaviors", then "Config files", and then on "+" to add a new entry;
  7. In the field, type galacticraft_biomes.json. Click "Done" and "Done".
  8. Now back on Dynamic Surroundings, click on "Dimension Configuration", then "Config files", and then on "+" to add a new entry;
  9. In the field, type galacticraft_dims.json. Click "Done" and "Done";
  10.  Now back on Dynamic Surroundings, click on "Done", you'll be required to restart Minecraft, click on "I understand", and on "Done" to exit Mod List;
  11. Restart Minecraft and open a world.

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